February 5, 2022 Reair: Prayer-Talk..! Session 8 https://t.co/s6TOqJcOIy

@ApFrancisFais Can you re-do???

REAL ESTATE SALES… ——————————- IF THE SALE… …DOES NOT BRING YOU JOY… …IT IS NOT THE… …THE WILL OF GOD. The Ble… https://t.co/p9Ivc6pxfs

@ApFrancisFais Perfect Francis!!

You are a major Encouragement to us Julie…!!!! ???????????? https://t.co/trfzgDCPbk

Reair: Prayer-Talk..! Session 9 https://t.co/7ZrovJVUsO

Sat, Feb 5 - Prayer-Talk..! Session 9 https://t.co/EsiSNWuBhU

Please Join Me Live..!! Facebook YouTube Instagram #drMM https://t.co/vBGCP3bed5

Congratulations dear Francis!!! https://t.co/DZekUN0SF8

Reair: Prayer-Talk..! Session 8 https://t.co/ikR6YJit2u

@ApFrancisFais Love this font Sweet Francis!

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